Portfolio + Client


Client Services

  • Content Management System, Lead Generation & On-boarding (PHP), Customer Routing
  • Client Type: Organization

    Development Year: 2023

    Current Status: In-progress

    Speed Index









    UVSA, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, recognized the urgent need for a comprehensive transformation of their online presence.

    As a large charitable event organization in the Vietnamese community since the1940’s, UVSA understood the importance of a modern and streamlined digital platform to effectively engage their target audience and generate leads.

    Their existing website was burdened with outdated design and sluggish performance, hindering their ability to fulfill their mission. In response, UVSA embarked on an ambitious project to overhaul their website, aiming to migrate their servers to a more robust infrastructure for enhanced speed and reliability. Additionally, UVSA sought to revamp the front-end development with a fresh and intuitive user interface, optimized for seamless navigation and an enhanced user experience.

    Alongside these improvements, UVSA implemented lead generation strategies to capture and nurture potential supporters, ensuring sustainable growth for their nonprofit initiatives. This holistic approach aimed to propel UVSA into the digital forefront, attracting new stakeholders and enabling them to make a greater impact in their community.

    Please note that this page functions as a record of our project portfolio. The information provided here should not be interpreted as an endorsement, sponsorship, relationship, partnership, or indication of future collaborations with the mentioned client. Any use of logos is purely for illustrative purposes. All copyrights and trademarks remain the property of their respective owners.

    Ready to migrate?

    Let our systems administrators work with you for a smooth migration experience. Open a support ticket today.